reindeer lichen การใช้
- On February 4, 1898, Lindeberg left reindeer lichen on the ship.
- The overall appearance of the thallus is much like that of the reindeer lichen, " Cladonia rangiferina ".
- As the common names suggest, reindeer lichen is an important food for Synonyms include " Cladina rangiferina " and " Lichen rangiferinus ".
- The " Cladina " morpho-types are often referred to as forage lichens, mat-forming lichens, or reindeer lichens ( due to their importance as caribou winter forage ).
- Reindeer lichen, like many lichens, is slow growing ( 3 5 mm per year ) and may take decades to return once overgrazed, burned, trampled, or otherwise consumed.
- One of the lower plant forms in decline locally is the Reindeer lichen, which has been made a priority for protection under the national UK Biodiversity Action Plan.
- Many of the lichens and flora that still thrive in the Lanphere Dunes are from an epoch that passed long ago, with reindeer lichens thriving well after the Ice Age.
- Reindeer lichens, which are widespread in northern regions and provide sustenance to wandering caribou in North America and reindeer in Europe, may be familiar to people as the species that soaked up radioactivity after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in Ukraine in 1986.
- "Niebla brachyura " is recognized by a hemispherical thallus similar to the reindeer lichen " Cladonia rangiferina ", loosely attached to soil without a holdfast, intricately divided into thick rigid tubular prismatic branches irregularly forked near apex, the tips usually with black dot-like pycnidia, and by containing the lichen substance hypoprotocetraric acid.
- "Niebla arenaria " is recognized by a hemispherical thallus similar to the reindeer lichen " Cladonia rangiferina ", loosely attached to soil without a holdfast, intricately divided into narrow tubular prismatic branches shortly bifurcate near branch tips, the tips usually with black dot-like pycnidia, and by containing the lichen substance salazinic acid.
- Among them are animals like the Okaloosa darter, the bog frog, the alligator snapping turtle, the Florida pine snake, Bachman's warbler and the bald eagle, and plants like bogbuttons, Chapman's aster, the ebony spleenwort, the toothed savory, the perforate reindeer lichen, the pond spicebush, naked-stemmed panic grass and the pineland hoary pea.
- Amongst the typical species of the Brocken that are rarely if ever found elsewhere in North Germany and which occur above about are the variant of the alpine clubmoss ( " Diphasiastrum alpinum " ), the lichens, Iceland moss ( " Cetraria islandica " ) and reindeer lichen ( " Cladonia rangiferina " ).
- "Niebla versiforma " is distinguished by the thallus divided into numerous branches and branchlets entangled together into a hemispherical or ball like mat, similar to the reindeer lichen, " Cladonia rangiferina "; the primary branches somewhat ribbon-like with variously widened and narrow twisted parts, bearing crooked spinuliferous branchlets, to 4 cm high and 6 cm across, and further distinguished by containing divaricatic acid, with triterepenes.